Disability transportation 2
After I had posted the story about disability transportation, I had a “nightmare” about a very horrific experience I had. Since having a brain injury, I don’t really dream. It’s more like nocturnal memories...
After I had posted the story about disability transportation, I had a “nightmare” about a very horrific experience I had. Since having a brain injury, I don’t really dream. It’s more like nocturnal memories...
Such an amazing person! This guy is so real and relatable! He does blogs, vlogs, podcasts, etc….. he’d put most able bodied people to shame! I’m in awe! Please check out his website at:...
When I go out, I absolutely love seeing other people in wheelchairs. This is because I know that, with the way things are today, they absolutely don’t have to. People can have most things...
This is a very serious issue to discuss as there are so many problems!Being in this situation for 15 years has put me in certain compromising spots with transportation at times. Some I probably...
People see marijuana as recreational because that’s what it has been in the past. Doctors used to prescribe cocaine cough syrup for children and that was seen as normal. There were cigarette machines in...